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Canada Phone Database


Data Count

  • Total Records: Million
  • Phone Numbers:Million


  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Last name
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Phone Number


  • MS-Excel
  • CSV
  • XML Data
  • DIF

Data Accuracy:

  • Over 95 percent


  • Data is verified once a month

Last Update :

  • Lists are updated every month.


  • Through Instant Download


Get our Canada Phone Database for just $899 and open up the map of residential cellphone numbers across Canada. With millions of records and phone numbers, you can’t go wrong with this prospect list. Just a few taps away, now you’re able to list the Canada Phone Database.

Extensive Data Count:

The Canada Phone Database from Emailphonelist includes 2 million records representing millions of genuine prospects across Canada. If you’re a marketer, 2 million potential leads to reach out to is no small matter. You could connect with every relevant prospect that will make a difference in your marketing campaign.

And in those 2 million records, we give you exactly 2 million phone numbers to pitch to. The value this database provides is higher than anything.


With the Canadian Phone Database, you don’t just gain access to basic information about residents such as First Name, Middle Name, phone number, etc. but also extensive information such as Street Address, State, City, and Zipcode.

Our database gives you extensive information headers of two million people around the country. All the things that matter when personalizing your marketing pitch and reaching out to enterprises that may add to your business.

Varied Formats:

We understand how hard it may be to deal with large-scale databases with millions of numbers and addresses. That’s why we offer our Canadian Companies’ list in flexible formats including MS Excel, CSV, XML & DIF so that users can easily analyze data from CRM tools, spreadsheets, or docs without worrying about storage issues.

Data Accuracy:

When using our Canada Phone Database you should expect no data errors whatsoever. We boast an impressive accuracy rate of 95%, which is great for generating high-quality leads that convert into sales opportunities. With our database, you are reaching responsive prospects who can help grow your business faster than ever before.

One good thing about having accurate data is being able to pinpoint target customers. With our database, you will be reaching operational enterprises within your niche market.

Data Updates & Verifications:

Our Canada Phone Database is a reliable and up-to-date database. We update the list every month to ensure you get valid records every time. Hence, the legitimacy of our database is top-notch.

The same thing applies to verification. We understand that with millions of prospect records in our Canada Phone Database, most phone numbers could turn out to be fake or fraudulent but not anymore because we verify them every month!

Instant Download:

Once you buy our Canada Phone Database, you can download it instantly into your system. This saves you time so that you can get into listing down prospects that you want to pitch immediately. Worry about no time-consuming post deliveries or mail.

Emailphonelist provides verified and comprehensive databases for all your marketing needs. Whether calling or texting prospects, leads acquired from the Canada Phone Database will definitely contribute towards growing your own business. So, go grab our database today.


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