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USA Phone Number List


Data Count

  • Total Records: 200,000
  • Phone Numbers: 200,000


  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Last name
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Cell Phone Number


  • MS-Excel
  • CSV
  • XML Data
  • DIF

Data Accuracy:

  • Over 95 percent


  • Data is verified once a month

Last Update :

  • Lists are updated every month.


  • Through Instant Download


Grab your prospecting database with Emailphonelist’s curated USA Phone Number List at a price of $499 . If you are trying to reach the American audience, staying right where you are, this is your time to unlock our expansive database at a discounted price. 

Large-Scale Data Count 

Our database holds a broadened list of contacts accumulating to 200,000 prospects right at your fingertips. All the records respectively have extensive information that is needed for making a successful connection with prospects and sourcing your pitch.

We offer a total of 200,000 records that are legitimate and approved for business connection throughout the United States.  This alone is efficient for broadening your business reach among interested people and boosting your marketing efforts. 


With Emailphonelist’s USA Phone Number list, you have a descriptive database that includes comprehensive efforts to ease your job. Along with relevant personal information (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Phone Number), you can also acquire extended information such as Street Address, State, City, and Zipcode.

Having categorized headers can help you integrate our database with little into your system. This allows for seamless and targeted communication with prospects from around the country.

Varied Formats

Our database is curated in varied formats because we believe every business has distinct requirements. We offer our database in MS Excel, CSV, MXL, and DIF, which are all user-friendly application formats.

No matter if you are working with spreadsheets or CRM tools to manage your database, our US Phone Number List fits your needs without a hitch.  

Data Accuracy

At Emailphonelist, our data is secure and is evidently reliable for your business needs. We effortlessly deliver ourselves with 95% data accuracy, which is significantly accurate in the margin. Such accuracy allows for an increase in the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and leaves less space for errors and misinformation. 

Monthly Updates & Verifications

Our database is rightfully flexible for your marketing efforts and that is one possible through timely re-checks. The US Phone Number List is updated every month, upgrading contacts and other information. Alongside that, we also verify the list every month to check for unresponsive or irrelevant contacts.


Emailphonelist’s US database can be easily secured to your phone. We offer instant download so that you have access to the data right after your purchase. Whether you save it on the cloud or your device, you can save time and get to your marketing campaign almost immediately.

With curated headers, large-scale contact data, and a high level of accuracy, we believe you cannot go wrong with The US Phone Number List. We are reliable and we guarantee the right information for business requirements.

And, now that we are offering you more than just basic contacts, this is your chance to grab our database and have it instantly secured in your system. So, go grab our US Phone Number List today and kickstart your marketing campaign seamlessly.


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