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Canadian Phone Number List


Data Count

  • Total Records: 2 Million
  • Phone Numbers: 2 Million


  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Last name
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Phone Number


  • MS-Excel
  • CSV
  • XML Data
  • DIF

Data Accuracy:

  • Over 95 percent


  • Data is verified once a month

Last Update :

  • Lists are updated every month.


  • Through Instant Download


Get into what our Canadian Phone Number List can do for you. This vast collection of millions makes it a steal for businesses, marketers, and researchers who need an accurate and up-to-date contact list.

Large-scale Data Count:

Our comprehensive database contains an estimated 2 million phone numbers across Canada. Whether your goal is to improve on marketing or conduct market research (or both), we’ve got all bases covered with this one-stop database.

By choosing our product, Canadian Phone Number Lists, you are gaining access to 2 million records across this country alone – now that’s what we call coverage.


Each entry in the database comes complete with headers, so everything is well-arranged and easy to find. No matter how urgent your needs may be. The headers consist of First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip Code and, last but not least, Phone Number.

Varied Formats:

For convenience’s sake — not to mention compatibility issues that might arise between different software programs used by potential buyers like yourself — our product can be downloaded as either MS Excel files or CSV files. Alternatively, XML data format or DIF format are also available.

Data Accuracy And Verification Checks:

At Emailphonelist, we provide the most accurate database with a 95% accuracy rate. We also verify our records every consecutive month. This way there’s never any worry about outdated information.

Accuracy rates exceeding 90% mean reliance. It can be placed upon high figures whilst other providers may only offer half this rate. 

Monthly Updates:

In addition to these frequent checks made throughout every year, there’s another feature that helps keep things fresh too – updates take place once monthly based on changes/ additions, etc. Not only will users always have access to the most recent lists possible but also one-upmanship over their competitors who could still be relying upon outdated databases.

Another thing about our regular updating processes is they give an extra edge over the competition because nobody likes second best, do they? Therefore purchase today and see life change before your eyes.

Instant Download:

At Emailphonelists, we have great value for your time. Hence, there is no waiting when it comes to downloading the Canadian phone number list straight away.

No waiting around for emails or posts to arrive containing data that you may or may not need. Everything is provided instantly on-screen ready to be integrated into your company’s system.

if you are looking for accurate residential contact information throughout Canada, there really is no substitute for our Canadian Phone Number List. At $899, the value doesn’t come much better than that.

So go ahead and plan some groundbreaking marketing campaigns, carry out insightful market research projects, and improve various communication strategies. Because, at Emailphonelists, we make it possible to own our extensive database that can easily be saved in your CRM systems.

Make your database purchase and see the conversions go from zero to 100 with our legitimate prospect lists with comes with more than just basic features. 


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