Availability: In Stock

Dubai Company List


Data Count

  • Total Records: 270,000
  • Phone Numbers: 270,000
  • E-mail Address: 57,000


  • Name of the Business
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Phone Number
  • Email address


  • MS-Excel
  • CSV
  • XML Data
  • DIF

Data Accuracy:

  • Over 95 percent


  • data is verified once a month

Last Update :

  • Lists are updated every month.


  • Through Instant Download


Are you looking to venture into new business regions, establish strategic partnerships, or enhance your marketing campaign in Dubai? You only need the Dubai Company List to meet your business goals. This verified and well-researched data set costs just $99.00.

Large-Scale Data Count

We have included a total of 270,000 records which cover every nook and corner of Dubai businesses operating within the U.A.E. With 270,000 phone numbers and 57,000 email addresses, we provide you with several channels for reaching out to key persons and stakeholders.


Here are some headers that describe each company systematically:

  • Business name: Identifies the specific US companies in Mexico.
  • Street address: Shows exactly where they are located physically so as to plan for visits or send direct mail.
  • City: Indicates distribution across various Mexican cities geographically.
  • State: Tells about regional presence as well as state-specific opportunities available.
  • Zip code: Helps in targeting efforts more precisely.
  • Phone Number: A direct contact for negotiating pitch.
  • Email Address: For sending follow-ups after negotiating a pitch. 

Multiple Formats for Versatile Use

The list comes in different formats because we know how important it is to be adaptable when dealing with information:

  • MS-Excel – Best for deep analysis, reporting, or integration with other tools.
  • CSV – Useful for being imported into many software applications including databases and spreadsheets among others.
  • XML – Useful when there’s a need for complex data integrations plus automated workflows.
  • DIF – Compatible with specific data interchange requirements only.

Superior Accuracy Levels In Data Sets

Accuracy is crucial when handling business-related information which makes our lists trustworthy sources due to their over 95% accuracy rate. This is achieved through rigorous checks during verification coupled with monthly updates.

Monthly Updates & Verification

Remember this one thing; one has to verify details once every month as part of maintaining quality standards. Besides that frequent updating means users always get current information thus making the product more reliable regarding accuracy.

With the Dubai Company List, you can rely on our data because we are committed to providing verified and updated records consistently, This way, you will have no problem with the quality of prospects. 

Immediate Download for Quick Access

We acknowledge that time is an essential factor in business hence the need for saving it. As soon as you complete your order there will be an instant download so that without wasting any seconds starting using this list immediately becomes possible

So, take no delays. You can rather take advantage of this comprehensive dataset right away after purchasing it quickly, And you are good to go.

This list serves all marketers or salespersons involved in trade with Dubai Companies situated within the UAE. Therefore, it makes it very affordable considering its usefulness towards improving your marketing performance alone at just $99 price tag.

So, grab our database today and use it to get ahead of your campaign today.  Save it to your system and watch your campaign boom, especially if you’re going B2B in the Dubai market. 


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