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List of Businesses In The Netherlands


Data Count

  • Total Records: 1,750,000
  • Phone Numbers: 1,750,000
  • E-mail Address: 550,000


  • Name of the Business
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Phone Number
  • Email address


  • MS-Excel
  • CSV
  • XML Data
  • DIF

Data Accuracy:

  • Over 95 percent


  • data is verified once a month

Last Update :

  • Lists are updated every month.


  • Through Instant Download


The Netherlands now offers a detailed and up-to-date List of Businesses In The Netherlands in our possession. This is made possible because we have amassed 1,750,000 records that are verified every month, ensuring a data accuracy of over 95 percent. 

All business owners, marketers, data analysts, sales teams, and other professionals based in the Netherlands and other countries looking to reach out to many businesses within a Via region will find this detailed database useful. This is a perfect compliment to the company’s marketing  poolteams as all contact information is provided in various ways,

Why Pick The Netherlands Businesses List?

In descending order of difficulty, we suggest that there is a competitive global business environment. With that said, it is critical to know where and how to find the right contact information for the businesses of interest. 

List of Businesses In The Netherlands offers not just names but also important business contact information including phones, emails, and even full addresses. No matter the focus be it marketing, sales, or even research, using this list is a great start. 

For your comfort, every business directory contains, as noted above, 1,750,000 records that are checked for accuracy on a monthly basis. Additionally, on the subject of accuracy, the last update was made just this month, guaranteeing that all the information in the records is current upon downloading.

What can you take away from the list of businesses in the Netherlands?

1. Full Breadth for Maximum Exposure – Detailed Information

The information on Netherlands organizations starts as:

  • Name & Location: Basic information about the business including business name, zip code, state, street address, etc.
  • Phone Numbers: 1,750,000 potential business contacts at the fingertips.
  • Email Addresses: 550,000 marketing professionals on digital platforms.

2. Verified Data – Documents that will keep you assured and reliable

The Dutch business directory is carefully scrutinized on a monthly basis, and retention rate stands above 95%. Each month, our team cross-checks and updates the entries to ensure compliance with the latest records and changes in the business environment, it happens a lot – one is going to have a new director!

3. Integrating into Solutions – No complexity, no pain

The list of businesses in the Netherlands is classified into several subcategories and is available in a multitude of file formats:

  • MS-Excel
  • CSV 
  • XML
  • DIF 

It will be so simple to add all contacts of Netherlands companies to your current database, the same goes for the blueprints.

How This Data Can Be Applied?

1. Strategic Marketing and Sales Efforts

For businesses wishing to break into the Dutch market, this compilation of Dutch businesses is quite useful when trying to reach out to prospective customers. You have a particular contact information that comprises email and telephone numbers which enables you to:

  • Start strategic email advertisement campaigns.
  • Perform direct telemarketing to important individuals within the company.
  • Reach out personally to them when looking for partnerships or trying to sell out B2B.

Additionally, this information enables interaction with top company officials too which increases the chances of getting a deal and nurturing it as well.

2. Business Development and Information Gathering

Individuals, analysts, and consultants can use the list of businesses located in the Netherlands to study various sectors. The data contained within this dataset allows one to have a bird’s eye view of the Netherlands economy with particular engagement in supply grouping exports to the Netherlands through analysis of:

  • Market divisions and assessment of the trends
  • Industrial competition.
  • Tactical development depending on a certain region or sector.

Through this data, you can evaluate what are the main regional developments, where are the gaps in the market, and how you can fill these gaps with strategic planning.

3. Creating Business Relations

If your firm seeks to undertake partnerships or increase its influence within the Netherlands, this directory of businesses located in the Netherlands will come in handy. With such databases, your business development team is able to:

  • Contact potential business investors across different sectors.
  • Seek out possibilities for mergers, partnerships, or extensions of supply chains.
  • Create contacts with people in the industry which can help in advancement and new ideas.

This information is especially relevant to foreign companies that wish to penetrate the marketplace in the Netherlands while having the backing of reliable local businesses. 

Is The List Easy To Access?

Companies that want to establish trade relations connections implement this kind of procedural instruction. Hence, they provide you with their companies’ list as well as ready. Users may use each document right after downloading it, for instance, in a Microsoft Excel format.

We also guarantee a rapid and safe delivery which eases the commencement of using data. This particular aspect is in great demand amongst people who have a heavy workload requiring them to spend a limited amount of time on the assignment thereby improving the effectiveness of performance from the very receipt of the data.

An Ideal Resource for Growing Your Business 

B2B marketing, qualitative analysis, or creating an industry network this list of firms in the Netherlands comes in handy. As the data constantly update and come in different forms. The database is designed to meet the various needs of business people, researchers, and marketers.

Strengthen your position in the Netherlands with this high precision ready-made database. Now you can use the instant download option, and network with your potential customers, partners, and collaborators in the Netherlands.


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